Dear Faith,

You ask:
> My question is:  why don't you just mix the stuff in a glass with a
> spoon? That's what I do.  Works great. 

Though you were asking Chuck this, it applies as well to me and my 
canister of green powdered "stuff" here! <grin>

And the serious answer for my part is the question of compliance...

With all the "things* I have to do each day to try to support my 
health, the more uncomfortable, painful, tedious, or *nasty* they are, 
the less I'm going to be inclined to do them. Add to this sorting out 
which things can or cannot be done together, and sometimse it's hard to 
fit it all in.

So, that's all a part of my interest in integrating supplements and 
protocols so that I'm doing more things simultaneously, and that the 
doing of it is all as simple as possible -- even if not always 

So I've enjoyed hearing a variety of tasty ways to take these products.

Be well!

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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