Wayne ~

That's Carole (with an "e") and I manage my posts very well thank you.

I have asked questions before and got answers, but that is not my complaint.  
Off topic is my complaint.

So, in order to stay on topic I will ask this in response to Mary's post about 
flu shots. 

I never get them any more myself.  Have not had one now in over 10 years and I 
haven't had the flu since then either.  Seems before when I got the shot I 
always got the flu. (Humm, see a pattern here?)

The thing that concerns me is my elderly mother.  She is 85 and gets the shot 
every year because that is what her doctor recommends to her.  My question is 
this; If she were to take CS on a daily basis, say 1 oz per day, could she 
fight off the flu if she came into contact with it?  And if not, say she got 
the flu anyway, could she fight it off easier taking say 8 oz of CS per day 
while feeling the symptoms?  I don't even know if my mom would take my advice 
about CS but it wouldn't hurt to try.

I take about an oz of CS per day myself, don't measure it just take a swig of 
it and hold it in mymouth for 3-4 minutes after brushing/flossing my teeth in 
the AM and PM. I assume I'm taking it adequately?


Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2008 10:39:52 -0500 From:"Wayne Fugitt" <cwa...@netdoor.com> 
To:silver-list@eskimo.com Subject: CS>Can we stay on topic here?                
Plain Text Attachment     [  Scan and Save to Computer      ]    
Morning Carol,

 >> At 08:34 AM 8/23/2008, you wrote:

I understand your points.

Have you asked any questions that have not been answered?

Or just state a subject and say, "I want to know more".

Simple as PIE !

 >> While I have learned some, I grow increasing weary of
 >> reading  off topic posts such as;

   If everyone would change the subject line, it would be easier for 
you to make decisions on what to read.

 >>  Come on people, can we stay on topic here?

  You have the floor, start the topic.  <grin>

  I will bet you get an answer to anything you ask.

And I must suggest,  Learn to manage your mail.
Most people that complain about anything on any list do not
in fact know how to manage their mail.
