Thank you David. That's good info to have around. <sigh>

Mike D.

> Some of you may have seen in Wikipedia (Colloidal silver), or other
> places, the reference to the death of a 71 year old man after  ingesting
> CS. Specifically the title of the reference is...  "Myoclonic status
> epilepticus following repeated oral ingestion of  colloidal silver".
> I've purchased the article ($20). For your information, heres my
> summary of the case...
> 1... Man aged about 70 finds out he has prostate cancer.
> 2... Takes Bicaltamide (a prescribed drug with a few side effects)  for
> 3 months. 3... Following this he tried "various nutritional and vitamin
> supplements, homeopathic remedies such as PC-SPES and essiac tea, and
> colloidal silver". (Its claimed his CS machine produced 4 litres of
> 10ppm in 30 minutes). He drinks at least a ONE OUNCE a day for 4
> months. (Yep, you heard right, a whole ounce!) 4... Wife and daughter
> confiscate his CS machine and give it to  doctors. (Presumably this
> ended his CS intake) 5... His prostate antigen level increases so he
> ceases all  unconventional treatment and undergoes 7 weeks (35 cycles)
> of  radiation therapy. 6... Seizures begin 1 month after radio therapy
> ceases.  (This  appears to be about 3 MONTHS AFTER CEASING CS INGESTION)
> 7... He goes into 'Myoclonic status epilepticus' (a constant seizure)
> so Doctors put him into an INDUCED COMA and pump him with various drugs.
> 8... Patient deteriorates to a persistant vegetative condition. 9...
> Patient is shifted to his home town hospital where he dies of  PNEUMONIA
> 5.5 months after seizures begin.
> At the time of 'his admission' blood tests revealed 'high levels of
> silver'.  (The article does not really clarify at which admission the
> blood samples were taken. It could have been back when his prostate
> antigen levels were tested.  Following death, an autopsy revealed
> 'elevated silver in the grey matter'.  (I don't think either of these
> findings are particularly surprising.)
> OK folks, heres the rub...
> Is the focus of article about who or what killed him? No, its about
> what caused the seizures!
> Quote.."His (the patients) extensive investigations (tests),
> including cranial MRIs, somatosensory evoked potentials, routine and
> special CSF studies for viruses or other microorganisms, porphyria,
> Hashimoto thyroiditis, connective tissue disease, and anti-Hu
> antibodies, WERE NORMAL. PatientÂ’s liver function was also NORMAL.
> Therefore, we hypothesized the patientÂ’s condition was caused by  silver
> toxicity. Plasmapheresis resulted in significant improvement  in his
> plasma (1.9 nmol/L), erythrocytes (2.2 nmol/L), and CSF (1.04  nmol/L)
> silver levels without any associated neurologic recovery.
> In other words... "We checked everything and all we could find was
> silver, so we are HYPOTHESIZING the silver (that he stopped taking 3
> MONTHS before the siezures) must have done it!  Sorry Mum and  Daughter,
> its not our fault.  He's dead because of that damned silver!"
> If I was a cynic I could suggest conventional medicine killed him,  and
> colloidal silver became a convenient scapegoat.
> Regards
> David
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[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]