
I don't think things have changed much in the last 30 years. My husband had an aortic shunt (stent? - get those mixed up) installed. The doc sent home a dietary instruction sheet. I was absolutely appalled! It went straight in the trash. Jerry had lost a lot of weight he couldn't spare and he wasn't supposed to eat any 'real' food?

My mom - age 93 - broke her hip and was in the hospital for a week, then rehab (nursing home) for 5 more weeks. The ONLY thing I ever saw her fed that qualified as food was a banana. I was invited to have dinner with her one night in the dining room because they said she wouldn't eat. Some of the stuff they are feed looks okay until you look closer. What appeared to be a nice-looking piece of ham turned into SPAM. The minute you tried to cut off a piece it turned to mush. That went well with the artificial potatoes, artificial gravy, and pea mush. Jello went with every meal, including breakfast. NO condiments were allowed. BUT, they had a cart that was circulated throughout the home in the afternoon that contained things like moon pies, candy, dry popcorn, etc. The few who had money could buy that crap, along with things like Kool Aid and 'diet' sodas. I got her out of there as soon as I could. She then ate constantly and gained 10 pounds. That put her at 94 pounds.

Skipping ahead to age 99, I was forced to send her back to the nursing home. When she went there she was being gotten up 3-4 times a day, ate at a table, and fed herself. During the first week at the 'home' she was no longer gotten out of bed. It took them 3 weeks to kill her. She wasn't sick, she was just old. I was there every day. My last visit was at roughly 4:30 p.m. I thought her face looked funny and she wouldn't open her mouth. I sorta forced it and her mouth was crammed full of 'food'. That stuff had been sitting in her mouth for hours and she refused to swallow it. The nurse said, "Oh, she does that all of the time!" What do they do? Rake out the old stuff and stuff in new crap? It took two of us to get the food out of her mouth and she then drank so much water that we had to make her stop. She died the next day. My guess is malnutrition and dehydration.

The point being - and no offense to nutritionists - there is no substitute for REAL food no matter how old you are. Mom didn't reach that age by accident. She smoked, drank a LOT, and loved vegetables. She'd make a big batch of vegetables in a pressure cooker and eat them all week - Yarg!


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