Oh yeah, I forgot to say that when I had my son, I had my husband smuggle food in to me- fruit, and I forget what else, maybe Chinese. The nurse said a lot of people did that- there was a pizza place on the corner that did a brisk business (not that pizza is really so good, but it speaks volumes about hospital food). --kathryn

On Oct 5, 2008, at 2:27 PM, Dianne France wrote:

When my husband was in the hospial for by-pass surgery we had the same problem with their food.  It made him terribly sick and he wouldn't eat the week he was in the hospital.  He was loosing weight and getting weak.  Once home he ate like a pig and no I didn't use their diet.  He got lots of good veggies from the garden and real meat (chicken, beef, & pork), nothing synthetic.  I'm not happy about the meds they have him on but I can't decide that for him.  He will have to decide what he wants to take.  I can only tell him about what I've read.
 Hospital food will kill you!

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