I believe the white is mechanically filtered to get out the mineral
particulates, which make the water dark. The dark is what originally
results, but some people didn't like the color in the water so the white was
developed. Yes, the dark does contain more minerals. I prefer the dark
myself. Log on to   http://www.willardswater.com/  and ask them to be sure.





From: craehow...@juno.com [mailto:craehow...@juno.com] 
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2008 5:37 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Willard Water - question clear vs dark



I'm thinking of about ordering some Willard Water and checking out
wonderlabs.com who seemed to provide good information.  It appears that the
dark has more ingrediants added and the clear added cal/mag/etc.   This
confused me as I was thinking the water just had a special oxygenation
procedure.   If they are only adding minerals/vitamins is that not
duplicating what we are already doing?    

If I do order I'm thinking the dark has more good stuff...  still confused.

any enlightning information would be appreciated.



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