Indi wrote:
I don't think it is likely that true CS can accumulate in your system,
or that if it did it would cause blue moons or argyria. As far as I
know, the bluish discoloration some people report is caused by silver
chloride, which can result when salt or baking soda is used as a
conductive starter to make CS, or when water other than distilled is
used to make it.
Silver chloride is slightly soluble in water, and thus cannot cause any type of staining. I have never ever used anything but distilled water to make my EIS. I agree that colloidal silver could not cause this, but the silver chloride could when the body concentrated and reduces it in the beds in preparation to transfer to the nails.
 Best to always use only distilled water, and to use a
small amount of a known pure CS for starter when making CS.
I have never seen any other symptom of argyria reported, only the

I don't even  use a started, just pure silver and pure distilled water.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor, and only an amateur chemist.

On Sun, 5 Oct 2008 13:21:49 GMT
"" <> wrote:

Question:   If; in fact, Collodial Silver did accumulate (beyond
turning blue) what could we expect that to cause?   I feel that a
portion of the silver that we are digesting is building up; mainly
because our elimination systems are not fuctioning well.  I know that
mine has been a problem for 20+ years and I am now 61.  I've never
been a junk food addict or consumed what was considered the tabo
types of foods.  I loved my vegetables and ate very little meat. Has
anyone seen any information on this? connie
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
[Neville wrote:  If I thought for one second that CS was the cause of
sol's moons there would be no further point in my continuation of
ingestion of CS. Why do you say that? Silver accumulation in the
skin, nail beds, or wherever has NOTHING to do with its effectiveness
in killing pathogens so far as I know.  sol]

Don't misunderstand sol, I'm not talking about the pathogen aspect of
CS, I'm aware of that, I'm referring to the fact that the ingestion
of CS, using the appropriate protocols as we know are required for
the production thereof, there should be NO issues if all we have
researched, based on repeated experimental and scientific evidence,
is to remain credible.  Do you see what I mean?  All research I have
accessed states that with the ingestion of CS,when  produced in the
correct manner, there is NO issue with build up of silver anywhere in
the body as silver, in the form we take it, coupled with the method
we use to produce it simply cannot build up in the body.  Our waist
elimination processes pass it through in a relatively quick time
frame.  However, if CS is not produced in the appropriate manner, as
we know it, then the possibility of build up is conceivable.  Do you
follow what I am trying to say?  It's simply a matter of whether all
the research is believable....or not.  Personally, from all the
research I have done, I believe silver will not accumulate anywhere
in the body if produced in the way we produce it today.  My
conviction is based on all the documented information I have found,
but as I said, if evidence is out there stating that this is NOT the
case then I want to have that varified as it makes all my researched
material null and void.  See where I am coming from?  If the silver
in the form we produce it has the capacity to build up in the body,
then that pretty much negates all information I have researched.  No
room for doubts with me, I'm tired of anecdotal hearsay which is why
I made that statement regarding my discontinueing with it so I am
sticking with my researched material, will continue to take my daily
'dose', until proven otherwise, (of course if I get crook at any time
then I will just up the dose).  I am motivated by concensus of
opinion, and in this case that 'opinion' is based on researched
material, and what others choose to divulge here.  I welcome the
opportunity to be corrected though.


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