Everyone things they have to help a boil !    I wonder why ?

   If you wish to consider a boil, ........... "An Infection",  then

one must consider  an   "Excessive Infection".

   What should the first help be ?    A boil is a test of the immune system.

Leave it alone ! That is, unless you think, or see you are going to die.

   Normally, a boil is gone, within a week, sometimes less.

I have had some huge and very bad injuries. They would be healed and the scab comes off in one week at most, sometimes much less.

    Swelling !

    Some think the only thing to do is get rid or swelling.

    Swelling is a life saving maneuver,  don't everyone know that ?

If a rattle snake bites you on the leg, you better hope is swells, ..........

        Swells a lot, and very quickly.  Not an hour or two,  a few minutes.

Or you may die.

    I have had insect stings.  Within minutes, a beautiful swelling appears.

Often the size of a half dollar or near a silver dollar.

Perfectly round, raised up 1/8 inch, very uniform. Beautiful to say the least.

    Watch the body work.  Not often do you get the chance.

Now guess what ? I have seen these fully disappear in 1 hour. Sometimes less.

Yes, the body makes H2O2.

 Does your body make enough ?

  I wrote an article several years ago, ......... title,

      "The Immune System,  Your Ticket to the Future".

 Get your ticket, treat is nicely, feed it every day.

 I know........ just the crazy ideas of a Redneck.


Rigmarole,  A state of mind, or a lack of one
a rambling, incoherent, meaningless  statement


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