Have you thought of MMS? I am not sure if yeast is one of its successes but you could try the Miracle Mineral Supplement site (i.e Jim Humble) and see. I do know that people use MMS on dogs, but not if it would be any good for this particular thing. It has been proven to kill even cancer though so is very good. dee

Paula wrote:
I've been battling excessive itching/scratching on two of my dogs for over a year and am getting nowhere. I finally had a vet come to the house. She took multiple scrapings and swab samples. This was a vet intern and she was not prepared. I had to provide the Q-Tips which were by no means sterile. She also appeared to be about 14. Her diagnosis is yeast on both dogs' bodies and in their ears. Their ears are clean and always have been so she had a hard time getting a sample of anything out of their ears.

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