Morning Dee,

At 07:08 AM 10/23/2008, you wrote:
It was meant to be a bit 'tongue in cheek' Wayne!  dee
  Which part ?   Both ?

Some insects are endangered (Wayne?) without insects the rest of us are doomed. dee
OK.......... Likely they all are endangered, depending what else is nearby.

    Here is what I meant by that.

    I must have 1 million birds on my property, maybe more.

    You should have seen them sitting near and flying into my string beans.

   Soon I figured out, they were all eating insects off my string beans.

I had virtually zero insect damage. Never even considered spraying them with anything.
   I harvested over 100 gallons of string beans.

And I do not think the birds had a list of endangered species. I think they were all
endangered.  <grin>    Do you disagree ?   Surely not.

  Do you think I eat enough to matter?

Not sure which are endangered. I do not eat any household insects. Likely they are the worst of all.

    Natural, Organic are the best.  And they surely contain some bacteria.

    But the HCL in the stomach should kill them all.

    No doubt some humans are on an endangered species list.

    I wish more politicians were on such a list, ................

    and they likely are, depending on who has the list.



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