For years I had a click murmur which became very loud, and which was eventually corrected by surgery at Brigham and Women's in Boston. The surgery was a single by-pass plus an aortic valve replacement. For over a year after the surgery I thought my heart was jumping out of my chest because the new valve was so much stronger than my old one. It took some getting used to. Sorry about your cellulitis. Best wishes, Faith G.

----- Original Message ----- From: "indi" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2008 12:17 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Measuring or Guessing- or calculating

On Thu, 23 Oct 2008 12:00:03 -0400
"Faith Gagne" <> wrote:

I am sorry to hear about the cellulitis.  Yes, I was questioning
cellulite because I had no idea.

Thanks. It's a lot better than it was before CS, but it does still slow
me down a bit. Time on my feet is still limited, but before CS I was
pretty much bed-ridden for months at a time.

I guess the circulatory issues are hereditary. I thought I'd
avoid that by staying slim (my whole family has circulatory issues, and
they're all quite large), but in spite of successfully avoiding obesity
I still seem to share their other problems. In fact, I even have a
"leaky" heart valve and a murmur now, just like my parents and
grandparents had at my age. Seems we all get strong heads and weak
cardio-vascular systems. Makes me kind of glad I didn't reproduce.

Re:  urethra problem:  I would probably agree to the surgery.  Sounds
like an end to the misery, plus I trust my doctor (s).  I'm lucky.
Faith G.

Well, I strongly suspect that if she would just drink enough water, go
promptly to the bathroom when she should, maybe cut down on the white
sugar and white flour, and use a small amount of CS semi-daily, she'd
be fine. But since I never could get her to try, it's impossible to
know for sure...


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