Another alert
All of my clients have and use with bare hands that little white pad known as mr clean or any number of brands, it is made from malamine.
I have seen children use it and than put their hands in their mouths, I try and warn anyone but everyone loves the poison.
I cannot get anyone yet to throw it away.  My clients wonder why their children are sick.
This poison and many others are just a few feet away, under every sink,in every utility room in America.
-------------- Original message from <>: --------------

> From: Brasscheck TV
> Date: 10/29/2008 8:36:14 AM
> To: Linda
> Subject: Brasscheck TV: NEWS BULLETIN
> I don't often send bulletins, but this is
> potentially very serious.
> You have probably heard of the deliberate
> adulteration of infant formula with melamine
> in China.
> It killed and injured thousands of children
> there.
> What you don't know - because the FDA and others
> don't want you to know - is that as much as
> 20 million TONS of Chinese manufactured milk powder
> and products containing milk powder were imported into
> the US from China this year.
> Now please read the next part very carefully:
> The the ONLY country...including China...
> that has NOT pulled food products containing
> milk powder manufactured in China off its
> shelves.
> Please re-reread the previous paragraph carefully.
> The person blowing the whistle on this is
> an expert in toy manufacturing who stumbled
> on this while researching this season's
> Halloween candy offerings.
> He has found candy manufactured in China
> with milk powder widely being sold in
> US stores.
> Obviously, I have not had time to check all the
> facts, but knowing the parties involved - China,
> the FDA, the Bush administration, and corporate
> America - I have no doubt that this is not only
> highly plausible, it's highly likely.
> It's serious.
> - Brasscheck
> P.S. Please share this with friends and colleagues
> so they can make informed decisions about what
> they eat.
> Do not eat or feed to your children any food
> made with milk powder manufactured in China.
> - Brasscheck
> P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and
> videos with friends and colleagues.
> That's how we grow. Thanks.
> --
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