indi wrote:
Thanks Marshall, that's good information to have. Unfortunately for me,
a lot of my indoor environment (counters, shelves, and cupboards in my kitchen and bathroom) is covered with formica. It's old formica, made in 1973. Do you think it still releases toxins?
No I don't. I would not worry about even new Formica, any outgassing is going to be trivial, and short lived. I would wash any melamine dishes in a dishwasher first though before using, to eliminate any monomers which might outgas into your food.

Maybe my
energy-inefficient habit of keeping windows open even when it's cold
outside and the heat is on has been wiser than I realized...


On Wed, 29 Oct 2008 12:20:25 -0400
Marshall Dudley <> wrote:

Let me say that first of all, that the guy in the video is wrong
about them using scrap melamine polymers in the China milk.  Melamine
polymer is a very stable plastic which not only would pass through
one's digestive system unchanged and unabsorbed, but also would not
yield any increase in detected nitrogen when testing for protein
which was the purpose of adding the melamine. In addition, it would
form a kind of grit, which would be very easy to detect, it is
insoluble, and all you have to do is mix the milk powder with water,
and if it is there, it will be on the bottom and easily detected.

What they were adding is melamine MONOMER. This is the liquid which polymerizes when heated to form melamine plastic after crosslinking
with formaldehyde.  The stuff is very dangerous from a health
standpoint, just as other monomers are, such as styrene, methyl
methacrylate, and polyester resin (Bondo and Clear Cast for
example).  Just breathing any of these monomers can make you sick,
yet the plastics themselves are ALL FDA approved for use with foods.
Heck, most of us have counter tops made of melamine ( Formica and
Micarta are examples), and most plastic dishes are made from it as
well. When the monomer is ingested, the kidneys will remove it, and
it is toxic. But also when combined with urea and in the environment
of the urine, it tends to polymerized, forming plastic inside the
kidneys and kidney and bladder stones.  Also it can produce cyanuric
acid crystals which can lead to kidney failure. The stones are not
only very serious, but unlike most toxins that will eventually be
flushed out, will likely remain there for the rest of the entity's

However, that being said, there CAN be some leaching of
unpolymerized melamine monomer and formaldehyde used to crosslink in
melamine plastics. There is an article on this at . Thus I would highly recommend washing any melamine dishes in a dishwasher, and using the heated drying cycle before using them.
Using scrubbing pads made of melamine properly should not be a
problem, but I would not  put it in my mouth since very small amounts
of both formaldehyde and melamine monomer could leach out.

Also see for confirmation of what I am saying. Melamine monomer, as opposed to the plastic used to make kitchen utensils and table coverings, itself also has irritant properties. It has been added to various food products to illicitly and fraudulently boost the measured protein content without the expense of actually improving the food’s nutritional value.

Marshall wrote:
Another alert
All of my clients have and use with bare hands that little white
pad known as mr clean or any number of brands, it is made from
malamine. I have seen children use it and than put their hands in their
mouths, I try and warn anyone but everyone loves the poison.
I cannot get anyone yet to throw it away. My clients wonder why
their children are sick.
This poison and many others are just a few feet away, under every sink,in every utility room in America. Mary

    -------------- Original message from <>:

    > From: Brasscheck TV
    > Date: 10/29/2008 8:36:14 AM
    > To: Linda
    > Subject: Brasscheck TV: NEWS BULLETIN
    > I don't often send bulletins, but this is
    > potentially very serious.
    > You have probably heard of the deliberate
    > adulteration of infant formula with melamine
    > in China.
    > It killed and injured thousands of children
    > there.
    > What you don't know - because the FDA and others
    > don't want you to know - is that as much as
    > 20 million TONS of Chinese manufactured milk powder
    > and products containing milk powder were imported into
    > the US from China this year.
    > Now please read the next part very carefully:
    > The the ONLY country...including China...
    > that has NOT pulled food products containing
    > milk powder manufactured in China off its
    > shelves.
    > Please re-reread the previous paragraph carefully.
    > The person blowing the whistle on this is
    > an expert in toy manufacturing who stumbled
    > on this while researching this season's
    > Halloween candy offerings.
    > He has found candy manufactured in China
    > with milk powder widely being sold in
    > US stores.
    > Obviously, I have not had time to check all the
    > facts, but knowing the parties involved - China,
    > the FDA, the Bush administration, and corporate
    > America - I have no doubt that this is not only
    > highly plausible, it's highly likely.
    > It's serious.
    > - Brasscheck
    > P.S. Please share this with friends and colleagues
    > so they can make informed decisions about what
    > they eat.
    > Do not eat or feed to your children any food
    > made with milk powder manufactured in China.
    > - Brasscheck
    > P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and
    > videos with friends and colleagues.
    > That's how we grow. Thanks.
    > --
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