Thank you very much Marshall, for the informed update.


On Oct 29, 2008, at 11:20 AM, Marshall Dudley wrote:

What they were adding is melamine MONOMER. This is the liquid which polymerizes when heated to form melamine plastic after crosslinking with formaldehyde. The stuff is very dangerous from a health standpoint, just as other monomers are, such as styrene, methyl methacrylate, and polyester resin (Bondo and Clear Cast for example). Just breathing any of these monomers can make you sick, yet the plastics themselves are ALL FDA approved for use with foods. Heck, most of us have counter tops made of melamine ( Formica and Micarta are examples), and most plastic dishes are made from it as well. When the monomer is ingested, the kidneys will remove it, and it is toxic. But also when combined with urea and in the environment of the urine, it tends to polymerized, forming plastic inside the kidneys and kidney and bladder stones. Also it can produce cyanuric acid crystals which can lead to kidney failure. The stones are not only very serious, but unlike most toxins that will eventually be flushed out, will likely remain there for the rest of the entity's life.

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