Oops, sorry Wayne, forgot about the 'calculate' part. <g>

----- Original Message ----- From: "Neville" <nevillem...@bigpond.com>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2008 12:10 PM
Subject: Re: CS>metered comparisons., Source of Solutions

Don't get me wrong Wayne, I'm not disagreeing with you or any professor or science. I know what it is I am saying in my head but it doesn't seem to transfer to paper all that readily. <g> Put it this way, to my knowledge there are no satisfactory methods for accurately determining ppm of CS........wait for it.......using the meters we use. All meters have there own in built, (if that's to be given any credibility when correlating that to CS), conversion factors blah blah and can only give a ballpark 'guess' at ppm of CS using whatever liquid or methods the particular manufacturer uses for calibration purposes on their own meters. Literature I have give a few methods of trying to determine, 'guess', the ppm of CS with the use of these meters, most of them go way over my head though. I understand that meters are not the ideal, but am not willing to 'guess' ppm just using eyesight for colour or whatever other methods which may be adopted. I am still of the mindset that *some* guide is better than none at all, however dillusional that may be. The only way I am able to keep a record of my solutions is by noting meter readings with batches produced over time so that I can refer to them in the future, other than that I could of course get lab tests done but that's out of the question due to financial expenditure required, and they won't be repeatable anyway due to all the 'gremlins' that creep in, (I would never get two results the same so what's the point), so I am stuck with meters I'm afraid, as are thousands of others around the world. See, if my lad was to get another case of Shingles I am in a better position now with the use of these meters to administer CS in a far more precise manner than I did in the past. I'm building up my own medicinal uses and dosages of CS for my own benefit. Hey, and my lil ol 'two bit meters' would be the same meters that thousands of people around the globe would be using *in their homes* by the way. <g>

'Practical purposes', yeah well that's where these 'two bit meters' come in isn't it. <g> For practical purposes they will give one an idea of ppm, not precise, but an idea. I could use a bucket to measure the ingredients when making a cake instead of teaspoons, but it would be more accurate than just pouring out of a bag. OK, I give in, you're the exception. <really big g>

My initial question hasn't been answered by the way!


----- Original Message ----- From: "Wayne Fugitt" <cwa...@netdoor.com>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2008 10:53 AM
Subject: CS>metered comparisons., Source of Solutions

Evening Neville,

Finally, You ask a Real Question   ! !

>> At 04:44 PM 11/14/2008, you wrote:

>>> OK, now tell me the conversion recipe from ec to ppm.

First,  First, First, ........... There is NONE  !    Period .

I hope you can understand that.

I would have to say,  "You question is even BOGUS" .

Do you think all the Scientist in the world are Wrong ?
You may forgotten,  "They measure EC  and Calculate ppm."

And you think I am TOO !    That may be just as bad.

There are no ppm  meters, None Exist,  None Exist.

Even the instrument manufacturers tell you that !
( Fancy LABS are not Meters, as has been pointed out on this list )

Forget the ppm, just tell me why these two readings are so close.

   You are the one that is talking ppm.

>>  Perhaps I'm not explaining properly, I'm not questioning the
meters, per sae, just the readings,

  I wonder why not ?

>>  look at 2b and notice NaCl is 13.6, now look at 3b and you will
see a huge drop to 6.3 and yet >> they both were oo8ppm. See what I am saying? I'm aware that water temperature can alter readings,

  Most half decent metes attempt to compensate for that. ( EC Meters )

>> I rechecked these several times and got no variation, readings remained the same.

Without getting technical, the answer to your question is very simple.

Either your solutions are changing, or Your Two BIT meters are just that.

Buy a good one, $ 75 to $ 300, or more, than you might have a reason to question something.
   ( Still, you are measuring EC, not ppm )

I think you are wasting your time, doing what many have done before, to no Avail.

Recently I asked my friend, a Physics professor, one of my classical and complex questions,
   ( A problem I thought of myself )

 His reply, ........ we solved that long ago, that is a classic question.

He did end his answer, .......... with these words. "for all practical purposes".

The problems would take several pages, and many formulas, lots of principles, and honestly, I doubt that even he could "Write a Proof" for his answer. Maybe so,
and maybe not.   It would take him several hours to even attempt it.

And further, I believe what I told you,  is in fact  "Etched in Stone".

If you do not believe, it, sent me a picture of your STONE, and I will consider it. <grin>


Just a Redneck that don't know Crap, but I can snow many professors, Yes I can.


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