Morning List,

As many people have played around with EICS for many years now, and some would 
have been privy to better or more comprehensive information at this point in 
time than I have had access to, perhaps someone can answer the following two 
questions for me....(a) Can anyone cite me an instance where *true EICS*, ie; 
pure silver in combination with distilled or pure water *only* has caused or 
has been stated as attributing to any colouration, at all, from the top of the 
hair on their head to the souls of their feet or anywhere in between on or in 
the human body?  (b) Can someone also cite me any colour EICS ranging from 
clear right on through to dark golden or brown having been associated or 
attributed to 'colouration', if such cases indeed exist?

I'm not referring to proteins, nitrates, compounds, anything having been 
'added' to the mix or any other concoction which may have been 'engineered', 
nor am I referring to particle size, ion/particle ratios' etc, just pure silver 
and distilled or pure water producing Colloidal Silver using the Low Voltage DC 
electrolitic method as done in most homes around the globe today.  It would be 
handy also if it was so stated in the article or instance cited that *true 
EICS* was involved or implicated, and the colour of the solution indicated.  I 
am also not referring to any of the three faces dating back over the last 50 
odd years that have been splashed all across the internet as none of these 
people are relevant to my questions.  Any answers directly related to my 
questions which may be forthcoming would assist me in my determinations.
