Adding to my first response per questions below. LVDC, only .999 or .9999 silver wire and very pure distilled water of .2 to .4 uS (Hanna PWT). My EIS, depending on which gen I use for it varies between 10 and 15 ppm.

Neville wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "Marshall Dudley" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 2:36 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Searching for colour.

Marshall quote:
[slate gray fingernail moons from 5-20 ppm EIS when drinking quart levels every day. The solution was crystal clear,
with very weak Tyndall.]

Excellent Marshall, Thank You very much for your cooperation, I believe you can see where I am heading here <g>. As I need to get absolutely precise answers Marshall, could you confirm for me if you will please that it was (a) *only* silver and water, and (b) produced by the LVDC electrolitic process? I don't need to know anything else, just if it was silver and distilled or pure water using the LVDC process....yes for 'silver/water/LVDC', or 'no/other' will do.

That's a fairly wide range in ppm unfortunately, but nevertheless I appreciate you adding that as I can see now that I should have included a question (c) ppm?


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