
Sorry but I hve to disagree with you on constant voltage and round wire. All of
the variables can be wrapped up in one neat package and eliminated with polarity
switching every minute with 1" spacing, #14 high purity silver, 3-1/2" wetted
length in 16 oz of DW. In a 28 hour run the max current was 7.2ma. There is no
runaway currents in polrity switching.

I have attached my pcx file for those who want it. I will supply charts and data
if requested.


Trem Williams wrote:


> "Constant current"  It would turn yellow overnight every time and I had no
> longer had any problems with spacing or temperature or timing.
> So, as you can see I am not an expert but I do have some expertise.  I can
> categorically state from my own experiences that one cannot control a
> constant voltage source and small gauge silver wires and the spacing
> consistently enough to make a product as uniform as when using a constant
> LOW current source and large surface are electrodes.
> As I state in our web page, running a constant voltage generator is like
> driving an automobile with the gas pedal stuck to the floorboard.  It will
> run away with you.  You end up with large particles.  I quote you from the
> message below.
> >When making colloidal silver, the only time you have to worry about large
> > particle size is when you are letting the process run to long.
> You know I am right as does anyone who uses constant voltage generators.
> The current begins to rapidly rise as the silver is deposited in the water.
> Your voltage, timing, spacing, wetted surface and water temperature all
> affect the end product.   And not to its benefit.
> .   Constant current IS better.  SO is larger surface area electrodes.
> Back to you.

<<inline: Csgen1.pcx>>