My husband has such a wound on his toe, about the size of a nickel.  He is 
diabetic and only 45 y/o.  We have tried Indie’s recommendation with small 
improvement.  I think the nasal spray is helping, although we had to dilute the 
DMSO a lot.  The infection seems to be gone at this point, but the circulation 
to the toe is poor.

We will try this out, and we even have an oxygen machine in the house!  My only 
reservation is applying DMSO directly to the wound because there is still some 
necrotic tissue there.  He is getting it debrided every week or two.  The 
topical dressing that seems to work best is glycerine and iodine.

Thank you Brooks, for this information.  The doctors want to do bypass surgery 
on my husband’s leg, and we would prefer not to go that route.



From: brooks76009 [] 
Sent: Saturday, December 27, 2008 11:49 AM
Subject: CS>Non-healing and Slow-healing skin surface ulcers


I noticed a passing inquiry/observation regarding non-healing skin-surface 
ulcers. A majority of of non-healing skin-surface ulcers have their origin 
based upon 
circulation compromises.....presenting especially in diabetics and advanced 
cardiovascular insults. During the mid and late 1990s we conducted some very 
evaluations of these conditions and implemented....what proved to be....some 
effective protocol addresses. Most challenging were the non-healing ulcers 
affecting Type II diabetics.....and particularly those presenting on the lower 
leg extremities and feet. 
By far, the most effective protocol proved to be one involving Colloidal 
Silver, DMSO and oxygen. Summarizing the protocol: The "self-help" version of 
this experimental protocol consisted, essentially, of a system for applying 
100% oxygen as a surrounding atmosphere of the general environment....after the 
generous application of a DMSO X Colloidal Silver mixture. The actual procedure 
is as follows: (The following procedure was designed for insults presenting in 
all areas below the knee joint) 1. Performed a preliminary application of 
undiluted, commercial, 3.5% hydrogen peroxide; allowing approximately 3 minutes 
or until all foaming action has ceased....followed by blotting with clean 
cotton swab/ball. 2. Generous application of 20 ppm CS (75% by Volume) mixed 
with full-strength DMSO (10% by Volume)....covering the entire insult area to 
the point of surface runoff. Note: Be sure the entire treatment field is 
completely clear of clothing and other obstructions. 3. Next, carefully slip a 
small transparent garbage bag over the lower leg (below the knee), avoiding 
physical contact with the injured area and carefully gather the top of the bag 
just below the knee joint. 4. Next, using any convenient source of pure oxygen, 
with the end of the hose section terminating in a small plastic 
tubing.....insert the tubing well inside the garbage bag and secure the top of 
the bag with a rubber band. 4. Slowly inflate the bag with O2, until the bag is 
well filled (it will easily inflate at low pressure). Note: The actual pressure 
is not critical, just keep enough pressure applied to prevent the collapse of 
the garbage bag. 5. Maintain this arrangement for 15 to 20 minutes. Actually, 
we found that the 02 leakage rates to be quite slow, ! usually allowing us to 
cut off the pressure valve for extended periods (more than 5 minutes), before 
the inflated bag became sufficiently deflated to require additional pressure. 
This simple protocol was most impressive in the positive results yielded 
against some of the most intractable slow or non-healing ulcers.....some of 
quite long-standing nature (over 6 months). In most cases, twice-daily 
procedures resulted in size-increase stoppages within 5 days and generation of 
new wound-edge granulation of tissue beginning within 7 to 10 days. This, many 
times, in cases where the ulcers had increased from "match-head" size to that 
of a silver dollar....over a period of 6 months plus. In approximately 80% of 
these cases, complete healing occurred within 4 to six weeks-----usually 
depending upon the actual physical size of the ulcer. 
One of the most gratifying results was one case involving a Type II diabetic 
who had an ulcer of over 2" in diameter and two years in age...which had, 
progressively increased in size while, simultaneously resisting ALL 
conventional treatments employed by the allopathic community. 
Some of the list members may be interested in evaluating this protocol in their 
experimental researches. Please be advised that none of our research protocols 
are intended as direct treatment for ANY existing medical condition. We DO NOT 
PRACTICE any form. 
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley/ 
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