----- Original Message ----- From: "Wayne Fugitt" <cwa...@netdoor.com>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2008 8:24 PM
Subject: CS>Selenium questions? Not Really, It was a Sodium Question.

Hi there Wayne, and a Happy, healthy and prosperous year ahead your way also.

[Now, ..........if you could and would, define your term,  "Form of
Salt", then many could answer your question.  Of course.
Some time ago, ( maybe before your time ) we had some discussion on "Terms".]

-I guess that would probably have involved me Wayne, but I would think that those who are far better with the scientific vocabulary than I would consider giving some lee-way to my illiterate way of explaining and see what the meaning is behind my fuzzy logic. I know what I want ask but haven't the scientific skills to ask in the correct manner so I am forced to bumble along in my own way.

[One was  Aerobic Oxygen.]

-This one would probably be an 'oxymoron' or something wouldn't it...aerobic and oxygen?

[Sounds like you want to know more about  "Fuzzy Logic".  Yes indeed.]

-Well, that wouldn't be anything new would it <g>.

Relative to Sodium Compounds, many exist.

-I believe you know where I'm going with the sodium thing though. What else am I expected to think when I hear sodium mentioned with silver? As fuzzy as it may seem this is why I'm making these enquiries. Is any form of sodium ok with silver? I don't know how many forms there are, and of those, how many could interact with silver? I'm already starting to form my own ideas when I read about chelation with selenium.

[That should keep you busy for a day or two.]

-I can certainly read between the lines there <g>.

[And you are like me,  If we were a chemist, we would be a MAD Scientist.]

-What can I say. If I was *any* sort of scientist do you think I would be asking such stupid or fuzzy questions? At least I will get a grass roots understanding of basic principles which can satisfy my curiosity to a point without having to get a degree and that should be enough to teach me something I didn't know before.

Hope you had an enjoyable xmas.

Oh, by the way, I had several samples of my EICS tested recently and am a little blown away by some of the results. Perhaps you could tell me what the hell an AgNO3 STDS is as this is what was used with the AAS testing I had done and I haven't a clue if it's useful or not as a test proceedure. That'll keep you occupied for a few minutes <g>. No, only joking, I am going to speak with the chap who did the testing for me shortly and get him to explain all the test results to me........in plain english! Going by the test results of 2 of my samples they are damn close to 50/50 ion/particle content, this I have never heard of in all the reading I have done over the years with LV home made EICS, all I have read state 90/10 or 80/20 etc etc but none near 50/50. Of course I welcome any comments you will have.



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