A word of advice when distilling. The amount of heat one needs to
apply is that just necessary to produce vapors. In other words, once
you start distilling use the least amount of heat possible. You want
to avoid over-boiling. It is also advisable to add glass beads to the
water to be distilled so that the dissolved gases are released
gradually without over-boiling. Finally make sure you filter the water
before you start.
What is your elevation? do you live in a mountain area. The vapor
pressure diminishing as you reduce the atmospheric pressure.
I use a purchased distiller, and for CS making I do distill filtered
cold water. I have no control over the temperature the still boils the
water at.
Elevation here is 6300 ft.
I still want to know if distilling removes fluoride or not? I suppose
from your first answer that it does, but am confused by the "open
distillation" comment. In a closed distiller from which the distillate
comes out via a spout into a collection container, will there be
fluroide in the distilled water or not?
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