I wanted to let you know the status of my attempts to address the tooth pulp and nerve infection and share some info and my dilemma. It is now 10 days since the excruciating pain began. I used all the suggestions and found salt water rinses,oregano and olive olive to be the most beneficial. I pack my tooth with half oreagano/olive oil all day for over a week now. Vanilla exract,tea tree, clove oil, dmso did not do as much for me. I have used the homemade 3v godzilla 2x/d for 3 days but don't see remarkable changes from that. I still have sensitivitiy to cold in my gums and in the tooth and am not able to eat on the right side. I have juiced and eat on the left. Food particles get lodged by the gum on the affected tooth and the temp filling feels it has degraded. My intention was to try to decrease bacteria load with CS throughout the day so I can make an educated decision. I have not made any appointments until a decision is made as to what I need to do then I can choose who I need to see. My dentist can not do anything above the gum line and he's the one that said leaving the temp in 3 years was fine,even though it was next to my gum line. I was hoping and praying that I could heal this tooth like many reported. But, I'm told the decrease in pain is the nerve dying with the decay in the canal. I always thought the body would heal what it needed to with the right support but I guess not. My choices are root canal or extraction? Accordng to Hulda Clark,Dr. Weston-Price,Dr. Menig ( uathor of the Root Canal Cover Up) , Dr. Cook and all the biological dentist who refuse to do root canals they are toxic and continually leak bacteria that regrows in the miles of tubules which constantly leaks to the heart,brain and organs. They say it's a dead organ and will affect the organ on its meridian line.The only dentist that used biocompatable and non-toxic materials without heavy metals and caustics were those who did a biologic dental root canal with calcium hydroxide,sanum remedies,CS instead of chorox in the canals.ozone treatment, and biofrequencies. But there is no one that practices this in the US that I could find. Even so no matter what's used studies showed that regrowth of bacteria occured 90% of the time in 2days after any root canal treatment. The research was strong and concerning especially with fighting lyme. The other choice of a removable partial is not a great trade off. The irritation and constant cleaning and degradation of the jaw bone are issues. And I'm told the ligament and scraping of the bone would be necessary. My daughter had this recently after an infected impacted wisdom tooth and it was a nightmare. Both are permanent and finalities. The toxic effects of radiation,aneshesia,pain killers, antibiotics,toxic dental materials are all against my health protocol to beat this lyme disease. What would you do?

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