Just thought I'd let you know of an observation.  My husband asked me the other 
day if I had anything around that would help him clear up his morning cough, 
which really is just something he does to break up the mucus every morning.  
After two nights taking the Serrapeptase, he claims he is much improved.  I'm 
not sure if part of it is a placebo effect or not.  

Also, I've been taking one a day since Thanksgiving, at bedtime, throwing in an 
occasional extra one when I wake up in the morning.  Went to the doctor and had 
my BP taken.  I didn't take it when I started the Serrapeptase, but previously 
it was running about 140/90.  Had it taken on Friday, and it was 135/84.  I 
haven't seen anything below 90 for a long time!  Maybe this is working.

"Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try 
to be better than yourself." William Faulkner