Anyone that has not done so already, try to find a pamphlet by dr. "Jerald
Judd" called "Good Teeth from Birth to Death.

On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 2:36 PM, sol <> wrote:

> wrote:
>> If I could find a holistic dentist that would do the biological dental
>> root canal I may choose that to retain my tooth but there is no one anywhere
>> that I can find. I don't like the thought of a removable bridge always being
>> in my mouth but a toxic root canal is destructive too. I just don't know.
>> I see you are worried about having many further dental procedures due to
> bone infection, but do you know for sure the infection has actually spread
> to the jawbone yet?
> If it hasn't everyday you leave the infected tooth in your mouth the higher
> the chances the infection WILL spread to the bone. (you did say the temorary
> crown had an opening/break?)
> Which tooth is this? I have root canals, and have one titanium implant
> because if not for them I would have like only the back two molars on my
> upper left side, and I can't wear a bridge for a couple reasons.
> So while theoretically I agree that root canals are not good (and had 3
> "failures" and further dental surgery) I still do not care to be toothless.
> BUT, if my last tooth problem had been where it wouldn't be visible or
> obvious with every smile, I would simply have had the tooth pulled.
> sol
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Day Sutton