Last time I couldn't hear well and knew my ear canal must be blocked, instead 
of paying big money to the doc, I heated coconut oil, dropped that into my ear, 
then after a few minutes I flushed the ear with warmed CS.  It worked great and 
with no pain later (which I have after the doctor probes and pulls).  I've 
never had any oil of oregano.....sounds like that's something I should keep 
around for "just in case."  

One day my ear felt wet, like fluid draining out.  I have no idea where that 
could have come from.  I don't think I had fluid in the middle ear, and can it 
drain out like that if you did?  Probably water got in and stayed in a bubble 
behind some wax for a few hours.

I agree, that if one wears a hearing aid, to clean it before inserting each 
time.  I put drops of Swim-Ear on my ear plug every time I use it.  Think I'll 
switch to CS, better for me.  I guess I just avoided using CS in the ear 
because it seems like it would leave water in and it isn't drying.

