/Fingernail condition has been used for thousands of years to accurately diagnose ailments and maladies in the body. Chinese physicians mastered this practice./

/Fingernail changes may signify a number of disorders elsewhere in the body. These changes may indicate illness even before the rest of the body shows any signs. Although I will discuss later in this article what nutrients may help with actual nail problems you should always seek professional help if any of the below changes are observed on the nail./

/• Thick nails may indicate a vascular problem./

/• Ridges running lengthwise may indicate a kidney disorders./

/• White moon area turning red may indicate heart problems. If it turns dark blue then lung problems may exist./

/• Brittle nails may indicate possible iron deficiency./

/• Yellow nails may indicate internal disorders./

/• White nails may indicate possible liver or kidney disorders./

/• Nail beading may be a sign of rheumatoid arthritis./

/• Nails that chip, peel, crack, or break easily show a nutritional deficiency./

*• Brittle, soft, shiny nails with no moon may indicate an overactive thyroid.*

*• Nails separated form the nail bed may indicate a thyroid problem.*

/• White lines across the nail may indicate a liver disease./

/• Red, inflamed looking skin at the bottom of the nail may indicate a connective tissue disorder./

/• Ridges across the nail may be a sign of the flu./

/• Nails curving downward at the ends may indicate heart, liver, or respiratory problems./

/• White lines show possible heart disease, or arsenic poisoning./

/• Unusually wide, square nails can suggest a hormonal disorder./

/These are a sampling of nails conditions that may point to serious health problems. These are not intended to serve a diagnostic tool. If in doubt seek the diagnosis of a physician./

/Don’t wait if you suspect a problem. Seek help. Also consider looking at your eating habits, environment, and general well-being. Consider taking extra vitamin supplementation to balance out your system./

/Chuck Lunsford is the owner and developer of EveryDayHealthmatters.com. He offers advice on how to get your health in order and start feeling great everyday. Visit his website and learn how to alleviate nail disorders with the right nutritional food supplement vitamins <http://www.everydayhealthmatters.com/>./

/Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chuck_Lunsford <http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Chuck_Lunsford>/


sol wrote:

I do not have any fingernail moons,

No, not one.

What is wrong with me ?
Thyroid problems.

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