At the local Tack Store, they sell horse feed, its about $6.00 a Quart. 
Tel Tofflemire

Dewey, AZ.

--- On Sun, 4/5/09, Gwlynda Irek <> wrote:

> From: Gwlynda Irek <>
> Subject: Re: CS>Best Teeth Whitener Found...FOR PENNIES.
> To:
> Date: Sunday, April 5, 2009, 8:08 PM
> Re: CS>Best Teeth Whitener Found...FOR
> Brooke – Where do you purchase
> human DMSO?
> On 4/5/09 8:01 PM, "Brooks Bradley" <> wrote:
>        Several times
> during recent  years we have conducted examinations of
> commercial products 
> designed to whiten teeth.  We experienced very limited
> success.  However, recently, we completed a somewhat
> more detailed investigation and were able to find a single
> product which, did, indeed, 
> display an excellent ability to whiten teeth, quickly---and
> to do so without attendant pain or least
> such was our results.  I feel somewhat professionally
> uncomfortable, even juvenile, in stating the name of the
> product----Celebrity Sexy Teeth.  In spite of its
> rather sophomoric identifier, this substance did, indeed,
> produce whitening improvements up to 8 shades 
> among the volunteer population----sometimes within 10 to 12
> days.  Some of the other products had cost prices which
> would equal over $600.00 for a full treatment regime.
>  None of these highly-hyped 
> products equaled...or even approached....the effectiveness
> of the Celebrity product.  All of the products which
> exhibited any useful effect, contained varying percentages
> of hydrogen peroxide. 
>        However, and this
> is the reason for my submitting this email.....we were able
> for a cost of mere pennies, to produce a simple mixture that
> was SUBSTANTIALLY more powerful than the Celebrity product
> (which, by the way, was not overly expensive).  Our
> homemade solution was produced in light of the fact that we
> had determined the PRINCIPAL advantage of the Celebrity
> product seemed to lie in its superior ability to rapidly
> affect the deeper regions of the enamel.....than did any of
> its competitors.  After simple variations in strength
> ratios between common commercial,  drugstore hydrogen
> peroxide, and DMSO....we arrived at an acceptable compromise
> between user comfort---and rapid results.  Our most
> acceptable mixture (all parameters considered) turned out to
> be one of approximately 80% (by volume) of 3.5% Hydrogen
> Peroxide (the standard drugstore variety) and 20% DMSO (full
> strength parent solution).  One easy way for the novice
> to mix is to pour about 2 tablespoons o! f H202 in a very
> small glass and about 1 teaspoon of DMSO.  Caution:
>  As DMSO is highly hygroscopic, one should always pour
> the DMSO into the parent diluent.  The actual
> method-of-use of this solution is at the discretion of the
> experimenter.  Some persons simply hold about a
> teaspoon of the solution in their mouth and brush their
> teeth with a toothbrush for about 20 seconds.  However,
> many persons are intolerant of the bitterness of this
> percentage of DMSO and/or cannot tolerate the gag-reflex
> sometimes presenting.  Therefore, the most acceptable
> method among a majority of our volunteers was to simply use
> a common Q-Tip swab which had been enlarged by adding enough
> additional cotton to about double the size....dip it into
> the solution and "generously paint" the front
> surface of the front teeth.  Effectiveness was enhanced
> by keeping the top lip above the treated surface for about 2
> minutes.  It was, also, worthwhile to paint the teeth a
> second time about 60 seconds into ea! ch protocol.  A
> second 2 minute application became standard procedure for
> the voluteers during the course of this research
> investigation. 
>        Some of the
> volunteers utilized stronger H202 solutions (up to 6%) and
> some employed much stronger DMSO fractions (+20%).
>  However, the one outlined above proved to be most
> effective.....and was DEFINITELY SUPERIOR to the commercial
> Celebrity product-----which was the only one of the
> commercial variety to yield acceptable results during our
> investigations. 
>        None of the
> volunteers experienced any untoward side-effects,
> whatsoever, while using the "paint on" method just
> outlined.  A majority of our participants enjoyed quite
> rapid whitening and in shorter time-spans than with the
> Celebrity product. about 1/50th the
> cost. 
>        I hope some of
> the list membership will find this information of value. 
>                        Sincerely,
>   Brooks Bradley.
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