Thank you Jim and Ivan...

    Yes, Ivan, deja vu indeed...I thought I had an answer I understood but
now I don't again. 

    In the book DR. MOERMANN'S ANTI-CANCER DIET the program is explained,
but not the reasons for it. Dr. Moermann was cited by the goverment of
Holland and has studies proving the efficacy of his treatment, and I am
trying to understand what the treatment is actually doing in the body, and
if at least part of its success could be coming from changing pH. So I am
trying to understand what a basically vegeterian and alkalinising diet
along with lemon and citric acid DOES to the body. And I still don't know.
The citric acid remains confusing. I do know that when I take it I feel not
so that that cleansing, or is that becoming too acidic? 

   My chemist friend says the diet works by "acidfying the cells" and
killing the cancer. But Dr. Moermann recommends his diet as a long-term
good-for-you diet, which a highly acidic diet would certainly not be. The
citric acid is doing SOMETHING, and I am trying to figure out what. 

   Brainstorming, anyone?


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