Thanks so far to Jonathan, MaryAnn, Malcolm and Ode-coyote...
You're right, Jonathan, alot of the sites were lacing in details of sorts.
I, for one, when researching products, like to see more pictures of the
thing close up and built up, in action.
Malcolm, I've checked out silverpuppy and silvergen. I have to say that the
one I'm leaning towards is the colloidal master, so I've got a few questions
for you, Maryann, if I may bother you some...
@Ode Coyote... those were my thoughts. I was only wondering if the
elctronics were different between the colloidal master and the cm Universal.
I was wondering if the Universal is just the latest model, since they
mention that the universal model is "their latest offering" after 7 yrs of
@MaryAnn... the Colloidal Master says you can set it at any ppm, so how
would you do that? And what about the quantity of water? If its for a quart
at a time, then you can only make a quart at a time? Or could you make more
or less? How would the settings be then? Also, do you use the feature to
test the water first? I don't suppose you know how man ppm your finished
product has, or can you test it? How often do you stir?
Here's another link I found that is from a german site. You can still look
at the products.
He said he has one with 4mm electrodes that can be used to make 500m. at a
time, which is about 1/4 of a quart, for 150 Euros. Comes complete with the
aluminum case and bottles, etc. Oh, it comes with a timer, so its not an
automatic shut off, but I could use one to plug into the socket that will
turn off automatically, but I like the feature the silvergen has and I
believe the colloidal master also has this feature.
I'm eager to start, but am still having a hard time to decide which
generator would best suit my needs.

On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 3:53 AM, Jonathan B. Britten <> wrote:

> Colloidal Master has a very attractive price on a full setup including a
> distiller, but ships that only to the USA, as I recall, so you'd need to
> find a reshipper.    One member on this list has spoken well of the
> generator;  I find the website information about it a bit thin on details.
>  It does not have any kind of stirrer, but claims that the method of
> generation eliminates the need for mechanical stirring.