Ode Coyote wrote:
  Well...add the words reliably, measurably and with repeatable quality.
You start going into a difficult tricky unreliable realm at over 30 uS conductivity, but I've gone as high a 79 uS looking good, had it drop back to 30 uS and gone deep yellow in a month with no drop out, cleared out the yellow with H2O2 and the "PPM" was probably over 100.... for as long as it took, maybe even over 200.. but no way to measure it short of a lab.
My high ppm batch, almost that high in uS, dropped to the 30s but has been increasing in uS for the past few years (it has been stored for 4 or 5 years now). The storage jar has a deep yellow plate out, but the CS finished originally water clear, and has remained so. It was a really interesting experiment. Unfortunately attempts to duplicate this batch all failed and I gave up on super high uS CS as being not worth the time and effort. I now just use more of my regular CS (stop at auto shut off). The only serious use I ever had for the very high ppm stuff was for an infected wound that wouldn't heal. Still have enough of the batch left to cover that use for years, should I ever need it again.

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