Hi Steve,

I mostly want to elimate the heavy metals (mercury, arsienic, lead and
aluminum, plus fluoride and cholorine from the drinking water and bath

For CS I wil continue on with distilled water.

I will call them about mercury and aluminum tomorrow

Thank you for your help information!



On 6/15/09 8:52 PM, "Norton, Steve" <stephen.nor...@ngc.com> wrote:

> What are your plans for the water? Are you going to use it for CS or just to
> improve your household water? How hard is your well water to start with? It
> seems to be primarily an activated charcoal filter with 30 pounds of activated
> charcoal. That is good but probably not sufficient for CS. For drinking it
> should be good. 
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Jean Baugh <oldgl...@bigcountry.net>
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com <silver-list@eskimo.com>
> Sent: Mon Jun 15 14:15:53 2009
> Subject: CS>Will try the water filter system and let you know what I think
> Hi,
> No one seemed to have tried the water filter system or had an opinion so
> will follow my instinct and order one and then let you know if I can tell
> any difference.  
> Does anyone have any suggestions before I start this procedure?  Any tests
> or bottles to save before it is installed?
> I just read "Drugs found in rivers, and may be in our drinking water
> Powerful antibiotics and other drugs may be in our drinking water,
> scientists fear. Rivers, lakes and wells throughout North America, Europe
> and East Asia are already contaminated by a range of pharmaceutical drugs,
> and scientists fear they could easily make their way into the public water
> supply."  Duh is my comment!  This was not advertising from the water
> people.
> If anyone is curious, here is the link.
> http://www.silkywater.com/health.html
> Since I have well water, far away from humans, I at least feel safer than if
> I lived in a city and had to drink recycled water but I'm sure heavy metals
> are worrisome also.  At least no chlorine or fluoridated water here.
> Jean 

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