It is interesting that you got that answer since activated charcoal
should remove arsenic. Is it the high pH of the water causing the
problem? You might ask the question from other suppliers of activated
charcoal filter systems and see if you get the same answer. Are you
looking for whole house filtering or just for drinking water? 
Zeolite, bentonite and EDTA are all known to remove lead, mercury and
arsenic. I have considered making a "Brita" style zeolite filter for
water but have not yet had a compelling enough reason. 
I do take a mixture of zeolite and calcium bentonite daily. I prefer the
non swelling calcium bentonite. One of the things I like about this is
that the zeolite and bentonite form a lining on the intestinal walls and
acts as an internal filter, of sorts, of food and water. It is also
capabile of pulling toxins back through the intestinal wall. Here is an
abstract of a study that confirms bentonite's ability to absorb toxins
and to be especially effective against lead.

As someone who grew up in the days of lead paint, lead in gasoline and
used lead solder for many years, the lead removal capability is one that
really interests me along with mercury accumulations from teeth fillings
and vaccinations. I keep a mixture of zeolite, calcium bentonite and
water in a plastic squirt bottle and just take a squire of it once or
twice a day. You can use this continuously. I also use EDTA orally but
only on a periodic basis. 
There are low cost sources for both the zeolite and calcium bentonite.
Just  some thoughts.

 - Steve N

-----Original Message-----
From: Jean Baugh [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 10:05 PM
Subject: CS>Will try the water filter system and let you know what I

Hi Steve,

Thank you for your help and information!

I called the owner of the water processing machine and he was honest
enough to tell me that my high pH water is not a good candidate for his
water system.  It will take out mercury but not arsenic.  I understand
we are high in ph, lead, mercury, arsenic and one more.

I only wanted to make sure the water quality was good.

Thank you,


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