Hi James,

> Welcome to our little zoo.

Thank you!  Nice to be here.
> Your comments are well taken.  I control my starting water temperature with
> a manual water bath, and intend to set up something to control it
> automatically.

Just did my first batch :-).  If I was making a lot of this, I would
probably choose a fishtank heater as a low cost and reasonably effective

>  There are so many variables, and that is an easy one to
> eliminate.  I have not read it yet, but somewhere in my bookmarks is a
> commentary about the effect of the phase of the moon on CS processes.
>  Perhaps I should also consider my state-of- mind when I am making a
> batch..

Always your state of mind :-).  I found something on the phase of moon
thing while researching this:

From:  http://www.ioa.com/~dragonfly/silvermf.html

How to make a colloidal silver solution:

    Do this any time other than the week surrounding the new moon 
(when the moon is overhead at noon) if you want to be successful.
Also, The best time to make colloidal silver is during what is 
called 'the solunar period.' There are two solunar periods each 
day. They begin approximately 6 hours after either moon-rise or 
moon-set, and last for about 90 minutes. Since moon rise/set 
times change every day, you will have to figure out when these 
times are for your local area. Many metropolitan newspapers 
publish this moon rise/set times daily. 
[ ... ]

I did not consider this for todays experiment, but, as I recall, there
is a
program on my server here (POM) that will tell me this.  I'll add this
into the equation once I get comfortable with the manufacturing process.
> I would like to recommend a book.  It is a bit dated, but it will probably
> push you over the edge re: The Medical Establishment.  It is a history of
> the AMA and more.  The AMA was started by a man who made patent medicine.
>  He paid a group of Docs to endorse his products and stridently decry
> others---until they joined the AMA.  Then, their stuff was 'just fine".
>  Sound familiar?
> Murder by Injection; The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America
> [ ... ]

This is something I need no convincing on.  I grew up around the
conventional medical "profession" and while there is much good they do,
there is more (IMO) harm that they do.  Arrogance and ignorance of
methods that worked for centuries bother me when it comes to my health. 
Far too many "doctors" set themselves up as "gods", which is a problem
that would resolve itself were they also accountable as such.

I have seen people treated barbarically and with the intent of "keeping
them coming back".  IMO some of this was criminal, but the AMA "force"
has become too powerful, both financially and politically to challenge
directly (and unlikely even if you are right).  Ignorance of the general
populace keeps them there :-(.

Far too many people have gone into "medicine" not for a desire to become
a healer (directly) but moreso because "there is good money in the
medical profession".

I strongly suspect that a majority of the medical problems that people
suffer in this day and time is nutritional.  NPK will not save us, but
it sure as hell keeps the "medical profession" quite financially solvent
along with those taxing their income.  I have studied nutrition for a
number of years now and am very frightened by what I have discovered
concerning our "food supply".  

One of the finest diagnostic tools I have found for the ills that are
present in our world is that of the "money flow diagram", amazing how
much sense that makes when used to make sense out of things that make no

But I suspect that none of this is news to this group :-).

> A question somewhat related to process control:  can you recommend a type
> of, and/or source-of a milliampmeter---0 to about 3 mA range--- which will
> read a 10KV line inductively?  I don't want to cut the lead if I can avoid
> it, because the thing is very sensitive to even trivial changes in the
> physical circuit.

Understand.  That starts approaching plasma, touchy stuff :-).

I would say look into a clamp on probe that will interface to a
VOM/DVM.  There are several sources out on the net for this.  Try the
Fluke site and a general search on "clamp on current probe".  Probably
won't be cheap, especially in the 10KV range.

Are you using 10KV for CS?  I would be interested as to why? ~= 30V
seems to be pretty common and recommended.

I've got some questions on my first batch, but I'll post that

Thanks & take care, Vikki.
Victoria Welch, WV9K, DoD#-13, Net/Sys/WebAdmin SeaStar.org,
"Walking on water and developing software to specification are
easy as long as both are frozen" - Edward V. Berard.
Do not unto others, that which you would not have others do unto you.

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