On Tue, 17 Aug 1999 19:17:51 -0700, Victoria Welch <vi...@oz.net>

>I made the first batch of CS today, I think.  I am including the
>following for your comments.  Thanks much.

Personally, I think I'd run the time up 'till I saw 2 ma. Probly about
45 min to an hour.
Just so you know the size of the ballpark, why don't you make some
"bad" CS ? Use tap water, the run will be only about 5 min max.
Use distilled water with a tiny pinch of salt.
Use distilled water and run it for a couple of hours.
You'll get a good feel for what you're trying to avoid.
BTW, all of these runs will give you stuff good for household uses.
"Nothing says quality like wrinkle free duct tape"

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