Hi Indi I just looked up that link www.vitamindcouncil.com and found info
there, but I have looked up various site (can't remember which of course)
and they keep saying  the same thing as Mercola.  He does seem to research
his subjects quite thoroughly though and its not all sales hype because
initially a lot of stuff he recommended, he didn't actually sell.  I have
had a lot of stuff from him and its all been good too.  Dee 

-------Original Message-------
From: Indi
Date: 04/07/2009 17:24:02
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Vit. D 3 'hype'
Hi Dee,
I searched for that info but didn't find it, seems all
searches including the term "mercola" want to scream so many
ads at me I just got overwhelmed by it all. And mercola.com
raises too many red flags; they seem to be into harvesting
email addresses and won't give much info without one.
I did find a video by some "health renegade" guy who promised
an answer to the question, but I didn't have the stomach to
survive the first minute of his self-promotion. He did look
like he needed a bath though...
Is Mercola one of those people like Rife and Hulda Clark,
surrounded by "vendors" hoping to profit from someone else's
brilliance? If so, what are the good sites to reference his
