You might have a skin fungus.
I probably do too as one of my heals does that now and then, but I'm protocol lazy and forgetful. Using a "Sureform" auto body bondo file after showering to reduce the calluses that dry out and crack, keeps them from getting so thick that they crack. If I would use an anti fungal cream on it for a "while", I could probably cure it..but when they don't crack, I forget to keep doing it. A dishpan of chlorox water to step into when exiting the shower would probably do the trick too.


At 10:19 AM 7/17/2009 -0700, you wrote:
This summer has been brutal on the bottom of my feet they are so dry
and cracked they are starting to bleed.
  i have been spaying cs on them it seems to help but would like to
try and make a gel so it would last longer .Thanks Ted

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