
 I am new to the group here. I was referred to this list by a fellow who
says there was some experience here amongst your ranks using microwave
transformers and capacitors etc to make CS using high voltage DC.
I wanted to go to the archives to have a look around but that section is not
functioning at the moment and so I thought I'd just ask the group instead.
 I have been using low dc Volt system for making a fine quality CS for 5
years already. Because of demand from family and friends I need to increase
my production.

 I found some instructions on the internet from a kind fellow on how to
connect the microwave components together to create such a system but not
much more details then that unfortunately.  I tried it and the initial
results are encouraging. I only have a TDS meter on hand and so am not
really sure about the quality of the product. Also I only had wire type of
electrodes and did not have the wider pieces of silver and so I fear I am
making too large of particles.

 Has anybody here used this type of system and if so have they had their
product analyzed for true ppm, particle size and  % of ionic/colloid content
etc. ?

any information on this will be appreciated.

best regards,
