I've already received a request (hi, Alex!) to post the info on the
inexpensive Hanna TDS meter I recently purchased. I'll have to wait to
see my own post on the Digest version!

http://www.hannainst.com      When the opening Home Page opens, click on
"Special Promotions", then click on "USA" (or Canada for you
north-of-the-border folks), then click on "TDS Tester". The Model TDS1
instrument I bought is at the top of the page, for $14.90.
It's made in Portugal, completely plastic with a small LCD display at
the top and a tube at the bottom you insert into the solution. 2"
insertion is recommended. I tried it once with mine in only about 3/4"
and it didn't read the same as with 2" insertion--so you need some sort
of small container with at least 2" of solution for best readings.It
runs on some Lithium watch-type batteries and is supposed to last for
quite awhile, according to the literature. One packet of calibrated
solution comes with the instrument. You can buy a whole box of
calibrated solution packets also, for $25. A calibration sheet comes
with each instrument, with a real technician's results and initials. For
$14.90 you would hardly think the company could afford to actually
calibrate each individual unit!
When I ordered mine I was informed they had two models, for the same
price--one with an additional temperature readout plus TDS, or the plain
TDS model. I ordered the combo unit. As they asked for my phone number
when I ordered, I received a call from them several minutes later saying
all the combo units were out of stock, would I like a plan TDS unit, or
wait for more to arrive in shipment. I went with the plain version, just
to have one "right now". As the TDS meter is internally temperature
compensated I decided I really didn't need the added temp function, for
my own CS generating.
I must say that dealing with this company has been a most pleasurable
experience. I emailed them initially to ask if the "promotion" offer was
still in effect. Someone actually called me the next day to say the
promo offer was valid, plus someone emailed me with the same
information, within 24 hours. When I actually ordered, the person was
very friendly. I have rarely emailed a company with a question and
gotten any sort of response under 7 days, if at all, and never had them
call me. This company appears to be a good one to patronize, at least
judging from my "customer service" experiences.

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