Thanks for clarifying the pH mechanism of Dr. Simoncini's protocol. I'd forgotten, frankly.

It was still useful to revisit the BB posting and the claim that sodium ascorbate is 1,000 more available than ascorbic acid, and easy and cheap to make as well.

On Saturday, Aug 29, 2009, at 12:08 Asia/Tokyo, Norton, Steve wrote:

If it does it is for a different reason than sodium carbonate. Sodium carbonate kills cancer because of it's high pH. The pH of  sodium ascorbate is only 7.4. As Chuck pointed out earlier, messing with blood pH is dangerous. That is why  Dr. Simoncini uses an IV to introduce the sodium carbonate into the blood just prior to the blood arriving at the cancer and to localize the effect of the pH change. 
 - Steve N

----- Original Message -----
From: Jonathan B. Britten <>
To: <>
Sent: Fri Aug 28 21:39:00 2009
Subject: Re: CS>Simoncini, Baking Soda, Vitamin C

So:  to restate the original question:

If sodium carbonate combats cancer, might sodium ascorbate also have a 
similar effect?

Not likely I suppose, but perhaps worth asking.

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