That's a very amusing URL and worth bookmarking, but of course no substitute for the accumulated knowledge of list members.

On Saturday, Aug 29, 2009, at 12:46 Asia/Tokyo, wrote:

Living with saints is tougher than being one.

On 8/28/2009 10:39:00 PM, Jonathan B. Britten
( wrote:
So:  to restate the original question:

If sodium carbonate combats cancer, might sodium ascorbate also have a
similar effect?

Not likely I suppose, but perhaps worth asking.

On Saturday, Aug 29, 2009, at 11:04 Asia/Tokyo, Jonathan B. Britten

I found the advice from Brooks on Vitamin C.  Here it is:

Subject: CS>Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C

                    For interested parties on the list that may not
know where to familiarize themselves, somewhat, with the
Work of  Dr. F. Klenner,  this introduction to some of his early
works----might be illuminating.  (see url at bottom of page).
                    Dr. Robert F. Cathcart.  M.D., has been most
successful in his Vitamin C protocol developments.
      Try      Http//            for some
interesting commentary on addressing clinical/sub-clinical scurvy.
Few members of the general public realize how very prevalent low
systemic levels of vitamin C
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