The vit. C I bought is Thompson brand vitamin C powder 5000 mg...no other 
additives. Oh and yes, it does not taste that good [pretty tart] but I keep 
telling myself how good it is for me. If you can over dose on liposomal I'm in 

All of the other things I'm making are just my own experiments and I do not 
recommend them to everyone...just us brave souls. I'm not sure about the Alpha 
Lipoic Acid...which actually tastes like acid. Anyway...I'm just taking small 
amounts to see how my body reacts.
I highly recommend making it yourself...it is so much cheaper that the other 
ready made.
Best regards...

Sandy from Texas

Live and let live...

--- On Mon, 8/31/09, Dianne France <dianne_fra...@hotmail.com> wrote:

From: Dianne France <dianne_fra...@hotmail.com>
Subject: RE: CS>My adventures in Lip. Encaps. Vits.
To: "silver-list" <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Date: Monday, August 31, 2009, 10:35 PM

#yiv1138500197 .hmmessage P
#yiv1138500197 {

Which brand of vit C is the new improved you used?  Your email made me laugh.  
I wonder if you can over dose on Liposomal?!  I haven't gotten down to Harbor 
Freight yet but plan on getting a machine to start trying to make it myself.  
Almost out of the lipEncapVitC I ordered.  Wish it tasted better.......to me my 
cod liver oil is easier to take.

Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2009 14:02:06 -0700
From: hollis302...@yahoo.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>My adventures in Lip. Encaps. Vits.

Hi all....
I guess at this point it could be said Brooks has created a monster. :)
After my first several batches of Vit C which continued to separate I decided 
to try a different Vit C powder. I came to realize the C I bought at the health 
food store had buffers
so I ordered a better C without any additives. While I waited for my C to 
arrive I decided to try making liposomal d-ribose. It turned out 
perfect!...nice creamy color with absolutely no separation. ah ha...I then felt 
sure when my vit C arrived it would turn out exactly as it was supposed to.
My C came today, I made it and it turned out perfect! So far I have also 
made liposomal L-Lysine and liposomal Alpha Lipoic Acid which also turned out 
perfect! B-Complex and Marine Kelp is next on my list. For some reason I cannot 
take iodine so I am hoping liposomal kelp will work for me.
Something else I did differently was to stop blending my lecithin for as long 
as I had before...maybe only 10 seconds now. I believe these small adjustments 
make a difference. I also process my mixtures for 8 min [4 cycles in the 
UC] instead of the 6.
Did I mention turmeric? ha ha
Best regards...

Sandy in Texas

Live and let live...

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