Thanks for the info sol, that looks just what I need.  dee

On 12 Sep 2009, at 22:54, sol wrote:

Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:
Trouble is, you don't know which is which until you've got it!  dee
Actually, you can tell........look for one in which the entire top removes, and that has two plugs going into the tank. One plug for the top, one to the power supply. That means you can heat the tank without the top on, using a plate or other lid as a temporary top. It is NOT a good idea to heat vinegar in the tank with the top in place if the condensing tubes are made of aluminum. I think there are some stills that have SS condensing tubes, but mine has tubes of aluminum. The one my friend has that can't be cleaned is an AquaVie if memory serves, anyway, she says the top doesn't come off. In case you can't tell from pics of the unit, contact the mfr and ask.
You can see the line where the top fits onto the tank. The entire top lifts off. See the photo looking into the tank with the top off. You don't have to buy this particular distiller, but this is what to look for.