Although viral meningitis should be rather easy to prevent with CS, it is likely difficult or impossible to cure with CS. The reason being that CS will kill the virus when it is in the blood stream, but once it gets into the spinal fluid and across the blood brain barrier, the CS can no longer effectively reach it. Things that can reach into those areas are needed. Among the possibilities are:

1. magnetic pulsing
2. ozonated water
3. Maybe MMS would help, not sure

This information is for research only. No medical advise is being given.


Lin Gregerson wrote:
Just received word that a friends adult son is in the hospital with viral meningitis. His wife and teens are home cleaning as fast as they can. It's probable he caught this from one of his kids friends that has spent quite a bit of time in their home and was recently diagnosed with the same virus. Everyone in the family has likely been exposed. They live about 300 miles from me but they do have a couple of gallons of the EIS I make. Up until now they have not been taking it orally. Can someone in the group offer advise on how they can help themselves with the EIS they have on hand now?
Thanks  much, Lin

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