I thought it took fifteen minutes for 
CS to kill pathogens.  Does it really 

Kill them instantly if it is pure????




From: zoe w [mailto:mtnwalke...@yahoo.co.uk] 
Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2009 7:12 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>CS as a sterilizer


Yes  Gina,   anything  above  say  10ppm   kills  instantly  on contact.
Below that   still works  just takes  a bit of time.

I had a problem with mold  recently  in my Kombucha jar.    After cleaning
thoroughly  I soaked both the jar  and the spigot  in  CS      No more mold.

Gina Moore wrote: 

So, if I needed to sterilize something, would CS do the trick?  Like say I
wanted to make sure my makeup brushes were clean and free of bacteria and
such and I soaked them in some CS would that do the trick?  Just curious.
