LOL, actually no one will be coming out in the dead of winter because our road is impassable for most of 8 months out of the year. Worst case scenario is we muck it out ourselves and Im certainly not looking forward to that situation. =-O

One or two ounces once a week or even less should not be a problem since we are also flushing the dregs of Kefir and Kombucha down the drain daily, both heavy in yeasts and bacteria. Yeasts of several types are also readily available.

I do like the  gray  water  solution,   just might give  that  a try.

Thanks  for your input.

Bruce Anderson wrote:
Yes, CS will negativly affect the septic tank operation. That said, it depends on how much CS gets into the tank and how often.
A little (an ounce or two) may slow down digestion a lot will stop it.
I don't want to even think about the cost of having someone, in the "dead of winter", come out , face the dogs and shotguns to pump it out. If I were young enough to live in a wonderful place like yours, I might consider a seperate "gray" water system.

Bruce A.
zoe w wrote:

Actually  it works  on Yeast and Bacteria,  which is  why  Im  asking.


Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

Doesn't a septic tank rely on chemicals? I don't know as I haven't got one, but if it does, then I can't see how CS can interfere with it. dee

On 27 Sep 2009, at 13:51, zoe w wrote:

Im going to rephrase the question I asked yesterday.

Does  CS  interfere with the  proper functioning of a Septic Tank?

Yes there are those of us who live in the country where these archaic appliances are still necessary since we do not have access to a city sewer system. In fact, where I live we don't even have mail delivery !!! By some miracle we do have highspeed internet which goes to show you how priorities have changed in the past 50 yrs.

If anyone can shed any light on the above question it would be greatly appreciated.


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