Fantastic !!!

Dianne France wrote:
I sent this email this morning but it didn't show up so am resending.
Subject: RE: CS>MMS and MRSA
Date: Sun, 4 Oct 2009 09:36:17 -0400

I called our friend this morning to check on her X's progress. She said he took a second dose of AMMS 15 drops and only had minor side effects. He said the side effects were nothing compared to what he had been going to. He not only had sores down his arm but on his head and neck. He had been to a walk in clinic and they looked at him and gave him a broad spectrum antibiotic and said if he wasn't better in 8 days to come back in. They also did a culture. A nurse that lives next door to him looked at him after he got home and said it was classic MRSA. That was when he called my friend. The nurse had told him to take pictures of the sores to document it because of the lack of care of the walk in clinic. His wife was going to but first needed to go into their office and pay their employees. She was gone several hours and during that time he kept putting CS on the sores and had taken the AMMS. By the time she got back the sores started to dry up. His color is back to normal with the AMMS and he plans to continue. The clinic got the labs back and has put eight urgent messages on his phone for him to call them because they probably now know if was MRSA and I'm not sure if they have to report that or not. Anyway, he said if he continues like he's going on the AMMS and CS by Monday he will be fine. Looks like the alternatives worked. My friend said she is now a believer. She said to thank the group for all the information they pass guys do make a difference. Dianne ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Sat, 3 Oct 2009 23:41:21 -0400
Subject: Re: CS>MMS and MRSA

That is quite a testimony.  Please keep us posted as to his progress.

Dianne France wrote:

    I talked to a friend today that had gotten a call from her X's
    wife saying he was very very sick (MRSA) and wanted to know if she
    had anything he could take to keep him from the hospital.  I had
    recently given her some MMS for a fungus on her mule and she has
been using CS also recently. She took both over there to him. She said he looked like death, not gray but a pasty clay color and
    had lumps down his arm.  She couldn't believe he wasn't in the
She had downloaded the on-line book on MMS and gave that to him,
    explained how to mix it and left a sprayer filled with cs for his
    arm.  He was in bad shape and she was worried about being exposed
    herself.  He sprayed his arm with CS and said it immediately felt
    better.  He took 15 drops of AMMS.  She was worried because she
    had never used MMS internally.  She called this morning and talked
    to his wife to see how he was doing and she said he was 200%
    better and had gone to work.  I was worried about the side effects
    of MMS (nausia/diarhria) at the 15 drop level without build up.
I will be interested to see how this turns out but didn't know the
    MMS could work so fast on MRSA.  I'm glad I just ordered more.

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