Serrapeptase has come up a few times.... I should really look into it.  I'm
on several Lyme boards and it's one of the recommended things to take for
that.  This is the first I heard of it for asthma, but it makes sense!

My next question would be... what is the recommended doses of all of those
things (on the website you sent) for a 3 year old?  I've heard 1/3 of the
adult dose.  Anyone know for sure what is ok for a 3 year old?

-----Original Message-----
From: Marshall Dudley [] 
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 10:30 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Help! asthma, again

We have had nothing but good from it.  Of course any herb or nutrient 
can behave differently with different people.  It might well not agree 
with some people.  However for my wife it has completely allowed her to 
get off her high blood pressure medicine, and it now it is running 
115/65 most of the time. She has had high blood pressure for about 30 
years and been on medication for over 2 decades..  The stamina for both 
her and me has increased a great deal, I no longer get out of breath 
when doing things like climbing my hill from the mailbox.  Her insomnia 
and aches and pains have gone away, probably due to stopping the 
hypertension medicine and changing to an alkaline diet. I don't recall 
reading anything about it being good for a cold, and since a cold can go 
into pneumonia anyway, I am not sure you can really make a connection 
between the two.  But for something like cleaning out your circulatory 
system you should not need to take it more than a couple of months 
anyway, otherwise it is like continuing to add draino to a drain that 
was cleared long ago.  For cists and lumps though it can take 
significantly longer.


Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:
> Actually Marshall, I have just visited a site which has done various 
> tests for serrapeptase.  It does sell it so I think it is 
>  is the site and not 
> all the reviews are good ones.  For instance, someone was taking it 
> for a cold and ended up with pneumonia!  This was clinically recorded 
> I believe.  This has worried me because I am taking serrapeptase and 
> must say that I haven't been feeling too well, but had put it down to 
> a virus or something.  What do you think?  dee
> On 5 Oct 2009, at 15:45, Marshall Dudley wrote:
>> Has she tried serrapeptase? It suppose to fix the problem, not just 
>> the symptom.
>> Marshalll
>> Gina Moore wrote:
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