Hi Sharlene -- I'm not Bob, but I've done this and it does not hurt at all.  
The most difficult part of it is dealing with the saliva from holding one's 
mouth open for an extended period of time.  Also, I think the electricity 
encourages salivation.  MA  

From: Sharlene Miyamura <fire888ea...@gmail.com>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 7, 2009 7:47:33 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Dental Issues


Regarding the Godzilla, did you wrap the wire ends with a wet cloth to apply it 
to the tooth, one on each side?  That must hurt!

On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 11:48 AM, Bob Banever <bbane...@earthlink.net> wrote:

>  In my experience the most effective way of getting rid of dental infections 
>in roots, in teeth, or in gums, is by using a DC current of 3 volts, switching 
>polarity every three or four minutes.  This can easily be done with a device 
>known as the Godzilla.  This method rarely fails... and the bacteria are 
>killed usually within 6 minutes no matter where they reside.  Go to 
>microelectricitygermkiller group on Yahoo... You can make your own device for 
>less than $10.00.  It has saved me many visits to the dentists office.
>----- Original Message ----- From: "Dan Nave" <bhangcha...@gmail.com> 
>To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
>Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 10:53 AM 
>Subject: Re: CS>Dental Issues
>My experience has been that swishing and brushing CS helps only with
>surface infection and plaque.
>If you have pockets of infection, you would need to use something like
>CS with 20%, by volume, of DMSO.  Swish this in the mouth for up to 5
>minutes.  Repeat daily for as long as it takes, depending on how bad
>the infections are.  The DMSO will allow the CS to penetrate the
>tissues.  Otherwise, the CS will only work on the surface tissues.
>Also, get one of those rubber dental probes, such as they used to have
>on the bottom of toothbrushes years back.  Use the point, gently, to
>trace between the teeth and gum, with the tip pointing towards the
>gum.  Then insert the rubber tip between each pair of teeth and and
>press Up or Down towards the gum (on the upper jaw, press up, on the
>lower jaw, press down).  This presses the puss out of the pockets.
>You can press the gums with your finger too, from the gum towards the
>tooth for deep pockets on the sides of teeth.
>I know DMSO tastes terrible, but one can get used to it (I did), and
>it is not as bad as some other things...
>This WILL get rid of most of the problem.
>MMS has been known to help with killing germs and tightening gums, but
>I have read many reports of people who indicate that it affected their
>enamel because it was too acidic.  Be careful...
>On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 9:46 AM, Ruth Bertella <berte...@lfdcbham.com> wrote:
>I went to the dentist yesterday. Apparently my periodontal disease is back
>>(well, I'm thinkin it never fully goes away - ya must have to stay very
>>diligent forever). Or at least it's a big problem again (wonder why nothing
>>was said 6 months ago?). I thought I had conquered this back in 2005 with
>>diligent cleaning and almost obsessive use/swishing of CS. I only had a
>>minimal amount of plaque (less than most patients they said).
>>Some of my teeth have gotten loose this time as well. There is only one
>>that is noticeable to me. But on the xrays you can see where the bone is
>>deteriorating. The dentist said this will spread and the worst teeth should
>>probably be pulled. And the "pockets" in the gums have enlarged again. He
>>wrote an rx for doxycycline and wants me to see a periodontist. I did not
>>fill the rx and don't intend to see any other doctors. I told him this, and
>>about CS, and he wants to see me again on 11/5/09 to see how I progress with
>>my 'home remedies'. LOL He's not against my using home remedies, but of
>>course says he can't professionally endorse them either. He's giving me
>>time to try to fix things before making further recommendations. (IF I fix
>>everything, he will probably want to do two crowns and possibly redo my
>>upper partial to accommodate the crown that has broken. The other is a
>>cavity on the lower back molar at the gum line in the very back hardest to
>>reach place - so he wants to crown instead of filling the cavity? go
>>I know I can mostly handle the pockets with very, very diligent muliple
>>times daily swishing CS. But it seems a while back, someone posted about a
>>protocol that actually "tightened" their teeth. Anyone remember that?
>>Details please - what/how much/when, etc.
>>What suggestions can y'all offer to 'tighten' the teeth, keep the one cavity
>>in check so he doesn't have to fill or crown, rebuilding the bone and
>>enamel, and a long term plan to keep all this from raising it's ugly head
>>Thanks in advance for all suggestions!
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