Hi Mike!

> > Humm, think I, this is in the range of "Done" for a batch.  I power
> > [ ... ]
> Is it time to make those current limiting resistors smaller? Do you
> run the stamp off a 9V battery and voltage reg? Then maybe a simple
> buffer stage on each output would let you at least use the 9v.
> A voltage multiplier hung off a digital output? We know that 9-15
> volts would start faster.

Yes the stamp is run off 9V (12V through a 7809 regulator) but not a

Removing those resistors made no difference at all.  Stepping it up is
what I am doing through 26V supply.  What I am concluding at this point
is if I limit the current flow out of the H_Bridge, I could accomplish
the same thing - just using much lower current for a longer period of

I'm considering the following experiment.  Going back to the 5V version
driving the electrodes directly off the port through the limiting
resistors (Stamps ain't cheap :-) and stirring occasionally (thanks Bob)
and using an eyedropper to figure out when it starts tasting like CS. 
The batch from the "failed" experiment is as strong (maybe stronger)
than the stuff from the 2-3 mA batches...  

BTW: I just checked that batch again for Tyndal effect - with the lights
out, there is a VERY VERY VERY slight Tyndal effect observable if one
looks very closely.  No sparklies, just an almost unnoticible
opaqueness.  It has now been 23 hours and 15 minutes since I started
that batch, just FWIW.

> It's easier to come up with these ideas than to test them, I know!
> <grin>

:-) Yes, it is :-), but you have been around this a LOT longer than I
have and have undoubtably seen much through the list that I haven't
:-).  I can do these things, it is just hard for me to come up with what
could and should be done.  I think what you are doing is called
"motivation: :-).  I appreciate considered and knowledgable guidance. 
That I think "perfect is hard to beat" does complicate my life to some
degree <laugh>.

> The testing has always been a roadblock to casual experimentation.
> Several of our members have acquired the means to test ppm accurately
> and a few may have access to electron microscopy. Otherwise, the cost
> of buying the analysis can add up a bit. Perhaps we'll get some
> volunteers who will give you a good deal...

:-) thjat would be nice also.  I might eventually figure out how to
build one and possibly integrate it into the "system" that I am working
on here :-).

The adventure continues :-)!

Thanks & take care, Vikki.
Victoria Welch, WV9K, DoD#-13, Net/Sys/WebAdmin SeaStar.org,
"Walking on water and developing software to specification are
easy as long as both are frozen" - Edward V. Berard.
Do not unto others, that which you would not have others do unto you.

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