Apple cider vinegar is alkalizing to the body (distilled vinegar is reported to be acidifying). It is not however alkalizing to the stomach. you might note that a HCl supplement will be very acidifying to the body alone.


Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:
I actually thought that ACV is alkalising, but am probably wrong.  dee

On 24 Oct 2009, at 19:59, Kirsteen Wright wrote:

Thanks for all the advice everyone. Of course, I'm still thoroughly confused <VBG>.

I don't have candida (at least not as far as I know :-) But the food intolerance test definitely showed a strong reaction to yeast. So if the yeast is live I guess I should be avoiding it? On the other hand I have low HCL (in fact I take a supplement for that) and was hoping the raw apple cider vinegar would help with that.

Why is life so complicated :-)


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